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help us make an IMPACT in the lives of those who are in need.

Tears of the Saints, Inc. (T.O.T.S.) is a 501(C)3 community non-profit corporation committed to helping families and mentoring young boys ages 12 to 18 achieve long-lasting independence by finding temporary shelter, education, food, clothing, and support services. Linking those in need with those who want to help.

Our Focus

T.O.T.S. primarily serves the families in need of basic necessities within the Tri-County area (Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union) in South Carolina. We also mentor young boys by providing them a safe environment to learn about healthy relationships, healthy minds/bodies, healthy lifestyles, and to (SOAR) self examination, ownership, accountability, relationships. Our focus will also provide a free parenting class for parents with strong-willed children. This also includes children on drugs, gangs, violence, and truancy.

Introducing my new partnerships with:

Proactive Parenting Initiative. Let us help you by giving you new tools

Changing children's lives one parent at a time.



You can't do right if you are believing wrong.

We hop​​e to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our w​ebsite. There's much more to come!

We sincerely appreciate your donations that will help us fund our ministries. All donations are tax-deductible.

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